Saxon Jaeger Tschako


New member
I'm pretty excited with this one: An M 1915 A Saxon Jaeger tschako marked to the Jaeger Btln 13. The Wappen is the correct small size, appx. 82 mm across (I should add that the flash in the photo is exaggerating the discoloration a bit).

It's obviously missing the haarbusch, the liner string, and the small kokard. Hey, Tony, what you got in that spares box of yours? :lol:

I'll let the pics do the talking.





Excellent Dave!!
This shako thing seems to be getting into "habit" mode. Well done. Brian
.interesting shape . It is similar to the Brittish Shako(1870.s) only Stubbier ,. NEAT
Wyliecoyote said:
I'll keep my eyes peeled for a haarbusch and let you know!


With the search for the haarbusch and the kokards, this Tschako could become a hobby unto itself.

The search is on . . .

I have one of these as well, only marked to the 108.Schutzen Rgt.. I'm curious about the bush retainer. Mine has a small chain, but from what I have seen, yours is more typical. Is it some sort of elastic cord and how is it affixed on the inside of the shako body?

Hi, Chip:

Yes, it's a slightly elastic cord, and it's simply threaded through the grommets and the two ends tied and knotted on the inside.

Why don't you post a pic or two of your 108th?


Das Feldzeichen wird vom Holz mit weißem und schwarzem Tuch gebildet. Sachsen Tschako verwendeten nicht dieses. Das Kokarden war rund und vom Zinn (Blech) gebildet. Es wurde auf dem Kinnriemen getragen. Sachsen Tschako trug zwei, aber kein Feldzeichen. Gruß, Tony
Listed nomenclature would make a fine sticky! If you take the lead and write it up I will "sticky" it.
OK, I try to do my best in collecting all German terms I can grab from my sources - then we had to manage the translation. But this will take some time. Be patient please.

Sven said:
OK, I try to do my best in collecting all German terms I can grab from my sources - then we had to manage the translation. But this will take some time. Be patient please. Sven.
Like this?>>

Or this?>>
Hey, well done!

After a first short look, there are some small errors caused by misspelling and/or misinterpretation (*), some terms are only correct for a special time frame.

Machine-Kanone (M) (die) - Automatic Anti-Aircraft cannon.
Mannschaft (die) - Enlisted man

Maschinenkanone (only as AA-gun?)

Mannschaft (die, s.) - men or crew/gang. In Germany all men below the rank of an Unteroffizier.
Offiziere, Unteroffiziere and Mannschaften (all pl.)

Orstfestflak -should be: ortsfeste FlaK = immobile Flugabwehrkanone/AA-gun.
