shako cover

There are always these guys without the R

Reserve-Jäger-Bataillon Nr. 20
Aufgestellt von Ers.-Abtlg./Jg.-Btl.Nr. 7 in Bückeburg aus zwei überplanmäßigen Ersatz- Kompanien und aus Kriegsfreiwilligen.
Unterstellung: 48. Res.Div. Kommandeur:Oberstleutnant z. D. Wellenkamp

But this picture from the regimental history of RJR 15 should literally open a box of worms!
It's interesting how off center those numbers are on the shako! Of course, on the other, could actual 'line' Jaegers have shakos, while support in the same unit use the Pickelhaube?

:D Ron