SOS 2008 is over


Well-known member
Staff member
We ar eback at our hotel room, it was another great show, meet with great friends and made more, bought a few too many toys, and drank two much beer (I should not have had the second, yeah, I know, I am a wussy) We should be on our way home Sunday in a snow storm,
Best wishes
Hey Guys--
What an adventure getting home! My flight to NYC was cancelled! I woke up at 4am, worried about the weather and found out the flight was cancelled. I rushed to the airport. United couldn't get me out until Monday!

But I flew US Air to Philadelphia... arrived Saturday at 8:10am and thought "I should take the train." Well, I managed to get a standby flight to NYC, then was told "with your status from flying a lot you'll have a seat." I got the ticket, was about to board... and MECHANICAL TROUBLES! The flight was delayed an hour. At that point I was told, "this plane isn't flying today." The flight crew said, "if you need to get back soon you might want to think about the train."

So another $100 for a train ticket and I got home three hours later than expected.

BUT despite that I had a fantastic show. It was great seeing everyone. I came home with four DVDs, several books and only THREE helmets! That's light weight compared to James, but I lined up two more purchases as soon as I get paid.

Safe travels. It was great seeing everyone!
Hey Peter
I am glad you made it home, James is better than half way home. We arenlooking at a storm that is in California that will be a problem for us. I talked to my father last night, and he gave me a report on the earth quake that hit Wells Nevada, it would seem that the towns economy will take a big hit, as the local houses of ill repute suffered damage, maybe "FEMA can send some trailer houses.
Best wishes
Hi All,
At least some of you made it. On Thursday I had the worst driving conditions all the way from Kansas City to Louisville. St Louis was shut down from all of the ice,sleet, rain, and snow. Generally miserable driving conditions. Did Joe make it to the show? I always worry about those crazy Texans driving on ice. Hope to make it next year. Bill
Good to hear that most of you are home safe. I had no idea that you guys were fighting snow storms. We have had one of the few beautiful sunny weekends here of the entire winter. We had flight cancellations due to storms last year and did not get home until Monday via Dallas. This is not a good thing when you are a teacher with 90 students waiting for lessons. How about some pics from the SOS? Brian
Brian--Sorry you couldn't make it this year. But you better get down there next year!

Here is what I bought at SOS:

This is a British Home Service helmet. Note that the scroll doesn't say Egypt. This is because this was probably a territorial officer's helmet... an Old Contemptable!



This is a fantastic Italian WWI sun helmet:

A lot of us came in Wednesday and beat the weather!

Great show for me Purchased 7 high quality helmets and took out a second mortgage to pay for them. Seriously it was a great show for me, found some great helmets and got extremely lucky on one! Will post pictures over the next few months.

More importantly got to meet up with good friends and fellow members.

Finally got to meet mister Tony S.!!! Wish I could have talked to him more, but did have a nice dinner with him and his crew from Canada which included another forum member Roy and their friend Kevin.

Joe and Gus where there with me and we where lucky to get a table from Jerry Rehr! Jerry then did me the favor of making me buy 3 helmets from him in the first 10 minutes of the show!

Other members I remember seeing include Peter S., Dave M., Charles B., Alan S., George A. As well as the regulars and good friends Randy, Remy and Tony. If I missed someone my apologies!

Looking forward to next year, it will be in March so a little later which could help with weather.

I know Joe and Gus took some pictures and I am sure they will post some when they get home

UMM I think I took a few photos, the camera is lost in my baggage somewhere. It was a great meeting of friends. No one got arrested this year, I blame Paul, as he stiffed us with the beer bill again this year (actually, he stiffed his brother).
We are in a hotel in Kearney Nebraska, and have an easy drive home tommorrow if the weather does not get too bad in the morning.
I managed to violate my hand grenade morritorium three times this trip, but Maggie can not blame me for the last two as she is the one who pointed them out to me. I also picked up a nice Komdatur Lille flare pistole from Randy and Remy.
Getting to meet Tony S. after all these years was great, I missed seeing Bill at teh show, but the hall is about 5 hectars in size, with the gun show the same size on Sat and Sun. My knee is letting me know that I have had more fun that I should have had.
If I could find my camera, I could upload the photos in a matter of minutes, but I think James hid it from me so it will take me days to up load them on dial up at home.
Best wishes
" We are in a hotel in Kearney Nebraska," You should have let me know that you were so close... always free room and board and I would have even thrown in a bottle of wine or beer. Keep it in mind for next year. Bill
Had a great time with Joe Gus and Jim at the show, got to do a little helmet bonding with these guys. Met other members of the form too numerous to list. Thanks guys for the comradship and we will do it again next year. Oh yeah Thanks Slim now I can pay off my mortgage. :D :D Jerry
I had a terrific time at the show and it was my sincere pleasure to finally meet James, Gus, Chas & Joe!
Here are a few pics from the Irish pub...

Gus & James...

RoyA said:
Joe & Tony
Wow. And that was sober too........ Based on that photo, I think I will be making a visit here >>

I returned home late Sunday evening from the SOS in Louisville and took Monday off so I could sleep in as I was trashed last night; only 2 hours sleep and on the road all day.

The show was a blast, I was asked over and over what I was there to buy, but I was not there to buy anything. The primary reason for going, was to meet all these great people that I have corresponded with for years, but never met. So in that regard alone, it was a great success and worth the trip. I had a great time with you all at the pub and I very much appreciated the invitation. Thank you.

Out of the 1600+ tables, only found three selling a few Imperial shoulder straps which is my main collecting interest. All I got for myself at the show was one shoulder strap. Add on the flights ($700+), hotel ($375+), plus meals, cabs, and drinking too FAR much ($450), which makes it the world's most expensive shoulder strap......