SOS 2010


Well-known member
Staff member
50 weeks until next show, James's and Randy's tables are reserved.
Yes, we were able to renegotiate the group rate with no increase in the price. $79 with breakfast included. The group rate is loaded in the system, and you can make a reservation by calling the La Quinta at : Airport & Expo La Quinta Inn & Suites
4125 Preston Hwy at I-264 ,Louisville, KY 40213
Phone: (502) 368-0007 Toll Free: (866) 477-0007
The name of the group is and all you must do is tell them you are with the group to get a reservation under your name at the rate of $79. There is a no-show fee. So if you get a confirmed reservation and you do not cancel It., they will zap you. I recommend you get your reservations in quickly.

February 17, 18, 19, and 20 2010.
Thanks Joe. I reserved a room for my father, one for Stuart Bates and one for me... I guess I should go if they're going!
Okay boys and girls. I am stealing some of Jame's thunder. The three tables of the Lebrasseur brothers were officially awarded this week! Both we and Randy are making attempts to ensure we are co-located when the tables are assigned in January. So just a couple of random thoughts. George it would be wonderful to have you and Jerry co-locate with the group. If Gus can get John Kitts to do the same. I will try to get John Gaadt and Jim Turinetti. If there are any other table holders, we would love to be located in the same area. That happened several years ago, and it was a real boom. Unfortunately, that thing fell apart, and we even lost our tables. But thanks to Jerry we started the long climb up and seem to have cracked the code on tables now.

For any of you considering attending this show; I would highly recommend it. There is no better way for a new collector to get tied in, other than becoming a known entity to the group. Deals are made, helmets become available, knowledge is shared and a lot of beer is consumed. Janet and I go every year, and it is a wonderful little trip. Well worth it from the social angle even if you don't buy a great deal.

It looks like two things are coming together. The cafeteria will be open again with the famous Gus sandwich for breakfast and lunch, and it looks like there will be a return of T-shirts.

Just a few thoughts...
Joe, best of luck in trying to coordinate table locatios. Dealing with the promoters of this show is like dealing with the DMV. Two of my mates and I have had tables seperated by mere feet for years and we can not get them to switch us around with anyone. The best bet is for us to ask for six tables rather than three pairs of tables but then one risks not getting the tables at all.

Success reenforces arrogance.

You may well be right. Mark Avery pulled it off several years ago followed by our plan, which resulted in our losing our tables. I think the DMV is not a bad analogy! :lol: nonetheless we will try Randy and James already have notes on their form requesting: co-location. Either way it has to be better than the year I had to beg a helper's pass from you! I actually made money last year and bought two helmets! First time for everything.
Yes, Joe has a system, he had a pile of worthless German inflation notes on his table with a $2 price each, a fellow came along and asked what he would take for the whole lot, and Joe said, "make me an offer" and he offered $100 for all, there was about 30 notes.
The deal Mark pulled off three years ago happened at the show as people were setting up, it was a great job af getting people to trade tables, but it had nothing to do with the show organizers. The down side to trading tables is that the programs do not have the right address for the tables, and that caused a little confusion.
I hope we can all "Just git along" with tables by each other.
Got my for sure tables paper from the SOS the other day.
Feb.2010 is closer than you think.
:D :D
Jerry R.
Okay I will start.

I just talked to James about this today.

Jerry Rehr
Joe Robinson
Janet Robinson
Randy Trawnik
Tony Cowan
James Lebrasseur
Lori Lebrasseur
Paul Lebrasseur
Gus Bryng...
Maggie Bryng...
I think Remy.

We all have our hotel reservations if you are coming please add in your names -- I am assuming another Wednesday night German place -- if I have a good number will make reservations. Should we do beer and pizza on Thursday or Friday??? Janet and I are considering shirts again but as there have been some complaints about the baseball shirts maybe we should try something else??? Remy really needs a new shirt. We will be at the Lebrasseur table and we will be handing lunch once again off to Gus who promised to stop urinating on his hands this year. We will rent the party room for beer and pizza and the hotel promised more chairs this year so Randy would not have to sit on the floor again. We plan on staying through Saturday. What am I forgetting to mention???
Hey Joe,
I never said I would quit peeing on my hands, I said that I would not be washing them anymore.
Hey Joe & Gus,

I'll be there, so count Alan Schaefer in. Will be there sometime early Wednesday afternoon.

I'd enjoy going to a German place on Wed nite if others want to do such, and Thurs nite Pizza sounds good too.

One question, may I catch a ride w/someone for Wed & Thurs nites?

The friends I'm going with have reservations at the old Executive Inn again (now called the ?Plaza ?something), and we don't take my car for the trip.


Hey Alan
Do not worry about a ride, we will figure something out, and the LQ is within easy walking distance from anywhere in Louisville.
I do not :santa: agree, I think since Alan will be joining us for dinners for the first time, he should walk, unless he brings presents! :D
hey, I did not think of that, if Alan does not have enough helmets to bring us all a helmet, I would settle for a M1915 Bluse:)
I won't get there until 6pm on Weds .
Gary Jarva
Tom Pearson
Dick Robeck
George S.
We will all ride together.
Yes I got a BIG Van.
:D :D
okay the latest list

Jerry Rehr
Joe Robinson
Janet Robinson
Randy Trawnik
Tony Cowan
James Lebrasseur
Lori Lebrasseur
Paul Lebrasseur
Gus Bryng...
Maggie Bryng...
Remy Schaal
Alan Schaefer
Gary Jarva
Tom Pearson
Dick Robeck
George S.

Jerry what happened to Bob Evans? Is he too good for us or is your van too small?
Got plenty room but alas Bob Evans said he would pass this year.
Still got time so he may change his mind and go.
What say ye Robert.
:D :D