SOS -- Good meeting the gang


Well-known member
Cheers to the Pickelhaubes group. It was a real pleasure meeting everyone at SOS... even if the rest of the show was a MAJOR disappointment. Nothing is worse than coming with just a book and a DVD.

But meeting everyone and talking 'haubes was great! I'm looking forward to next year, when I show up on dealer setup day so I don't miss the deals!
It was great meeting you as well Peter, and all the rest, we had a great time!

A lot of Haubes there, many bad or put together and if they where good, very expensive!

I found a few things that I am ahppy wiht, but overall it was meeting all the people from our group and sharing good times.

Here are a few photo's more to follow:

Here is Chas hard at work!


My Brother Paul in front of one of the banners! He Scored a Awesome Wurtemburg Officer helm with Parade plume! He will share photo's later!


The Boy's




Some Helmets at the show


What I got!


Overall, I was impressed with the show. But I was more impressed with the people I met!

The gang offered this newbie a warm welcome, good advice, a fine German meal afterwards (including a happy birthday torte, which I wasn't expecting since it wasn't my birthday), and great fellowship.

Thanks to all of you: Brian, Margo, Gus, Joe, Paul and James, Charles, Randy . . . You made it a great time for me.

A word to the wise for other newbies: If you ever get the chance to go to a big show with this bunch, do it! Oh, and come up with a better forum handle than just your last name. And if you ever want to come up with a new handle, don't ask Gus for advice. Uff da!

Hello boyyyyyyyys

Had a great time with everyone.. and putting faces to the names. It was a shame that my flight back to Orlando was so early on Saturday as I would have liked to have hung around a little longer. (though Mosher and his friend Harry Paratestes were starting to get on my nerves :D )

Too bad everyone is so far distanced as it would be fun to get together more than once a year.

Many thanks to Joe and the hotel party (those of us that were there know the details..... and 'mums' the word :p ) as I had a blast !

Cheers and thanks !!!
Yes, it was a very fun time. Gus was a total hoot. <---his words, not mine.

He had kind of a "coming out" at the show. Gus comes across as a very quiet shy guy but in the middle of the show on Friday, he pulled off his shirt and showed us his Tattoo. It was a little more than I need to know about him. My brother took this picture of him.

Paul LeBrasseur said:
Yes, it was a very fun time. Gus was a total hoot. <---his words, not mine.

He had kind of a "coming out" at the show. Gus comes across as a very quiet shy guy but in the middle of the show on Friday, he pulled off his shirt and showed us his Tattoo. It was a little more than I need to know about him. My brother took this picture of him.

That's the very first time that we can see a "bad boy alien" strip-tease.
Otto :eek:
Hi to everyone:
Just a brief note here. We arrived safely at Toronto 4:30pm and drove north into white out conditions about 15 mi from Barrie. No problems...we just slowed down. Margo and I had a fantastic time!!!!! Thanks so much guys the people we met made the show. Haube Heads Rule!!! We will post pictures and more comments later. Have to go and hug the kids. Brian and Margo.
PS, it was so good of Otto to fly in from Brazil!!! Confused?? Perplexed?? You won't be..... we have pictures!!

Really like the Heeresgruppe stein. Always wanted one. Oh yeah, the other stuff is nice too.


Too much information :?

Wish I could have been there. Someday I'll be able to afford the few extra pieces that I think I need.

We have returned from a great weekend at SOS. The people I met face-to-face were the highlight of collecting. We all had a great time. I’ll try to give a rundown of what happened and what we saw.

Some of the diehards arrived Wednesday night to set up the table on Thursday morning. A bunch of us went out to eat and we planned for the next morning. Most of us stayed in the Executive Inn East. Chas and Donna stayed in the La Quinta, Bill, Sean and Cindy Thiemann stayed in the Residence Inn. The executive inn sucked. The rooms were lousy the service poor and the dining opportunities, rotten. I will try to find another venue for next year.

Thursday was supposed to be a dealer set up day. In reality, it was a cooking deal. People zoomed around looking out for what was offered and the buying started right away. OVMS members were allowed in by noon, but the clear lesson is to be there first thing Thursday morning. We set up our tables and by noon, our group began to grow. Other imperial collectors were scattered around the hall. Dave Mosher and Randy Trawnik had tables on not the city and its of the hall, as did George Anderson. Next year, we are going to try to put all of the imperial tables together. That way we will have more helmets there and someone to watch the tables all the time. Both brothers bought a helmet, and Randy Trawnik and Tony Cowan were joined by a German gentleman named Sebastian. He had many helmets, and I fell in love with his 94th . It was too expensive for me, and even though it was perfect, I elected not to buy.

After the show closed Thursday night we had a beer and pizza party in the Robinson room. It was one of the highlights of the show. We are blessed with a great group of folks. The girls got along famously and the next thing you know, they were out shopping. They alternated between the tables and going out on the town.

Friday was very busy also. There was a huge line to get in the door. It was a large hall with 1600 tables and a bathroom that was “overflowing”. Otto attracted huge attention and brought many people to our table. The chicks dug him. Tony Cowan helped me get the plate off the 94th helmet. AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH… was a fake! You absolutely could not tell from the front. The back of the plate was a poor galvano copy. It wasn’t even close. The solder with shiny, and there was zero detail back there. The edges were thick and there was no trace of any gilding. The front of the plate had us all fooled. It was a good lesson for checking the back of the plate and worrying about the future of fakes. I was dumb struck.

18 of us went to dinner at a German restaurant. Life was super good.

Saturday people started to leave the show. I mean dealers were closing up exhibits. There was a large gun show in the hall next door and that attracted mass attention and several of our members bought guns. 18 of us one out to eat and it was like these people had been together for 10 years.

I would like to thank everyone who came in especially those who helped me with my disability get from point A to point B.

King Weasel sent some pictures and when Janet gets home from goofing off I will try to download some of those I took. Janet and I both want to come next year. We had that good of the time. In my opinion is not a guy only thing.

Hi Guys,
I am truly excited, you are quite fantastic, I could not have better friends than you. You will be always kept in the bottom of my heart!
God bless You all!
Otto :D

PS. I will make the impossible to be with you in the SOS of 2007!

PPS. Who was the artist? Very good! =D>

PPPS. I Didn't know that I was Gus cousin...No hands!!!
More pics
Brian and Margo

Pizza and beer -- Chas, Mark Avery, Tony Cowan, Dave Mosher, Randy Trawnik.

Janet, Margo, Otto, Maggie, Donna.

Randy, Tony Cowan, Kaiser Bill

Randy, Tony Cowan & the Thieman's at the Gasthaus.
Joe, whats with all these people I never met? You said each night that that dog needed a sitter and you were going to do laundry. Now I find out that you were raising hell with a bunch of Pickelheads.

Man that hurts.
Just a short note to thank everyone for a great weekend at the SOS. It has grown into quite the affair since it was just Gus, Chas, and myself last year. I am sure that it will be bigger and better next year. I will take Joe's advice and be there by Wed. evening. If you arrive on Friday as I did you miss half of the show. The highlight was the two dinners on Friday and Sat. night...... over twenty on Friday and sixteen on Sat night. As the evening went on the din just kept getting louder and louder.... great fun and great conversation. Each night we celebrated a different birthday! Thanks to all for a wonderful weekend. Bill
Hi All,
Maggie and I are home, just 65+ mph winds in Wyoming, no drifting snow, but there was some blowing and drifting houses. I am beat, as I had to stay awake for 36 houres to keep Maggie awake so she could drive me straight home, I knew that I would need to do some damage control, I do not know who that fat naked guy is, but it sure ain't me.
I can not wait until SOS
It's good to have you lot back and to see exactly who's who. Looks like a good time was had.
Otto said he was not going and then he turns up and pulls all this crumpet! What the hell is going on here? He does'nt seem to be making much effort either - and they are all over him! Man in a uniform - is that it?
Who is that wearing the Hessen 'haube? Is that Randy?
Did anyone buy the faux JR94 after all?
Yes that is Randy wearing the helmet. No nobody bought the jr94 he wanted $4500. I would have offered him your soul on Thursday but by Friday not even a kiss.