Spam Killers !!


Staff member
I would formally like to thank T. Schnurr for volunteering to help me with the elimination of spammers who register here on the forum. At a minimum, we have to kill off at least 30+ per day. On weekends, the problem intensifies to 60+ per day. The more popular the site becomes, then the more spammers...viagra merchants and porn stars that we attract. The spam tide becomes overwhelming. Thank you Tony, your help is much appreciated. Brian
Can we report spammers here? Is there a reward? I would like to turn in Lazyblade as a spammer.
How about adding a guest forum, where people who want to join can post and request membership, and only then they can register, this would be a little work, but much sell than cleaning up the sopammers every day, and it would also stop the problem of deleting valid members.
Best wihses