

New member

I sometimes see this kind of spike, it doesn't feel right (authentic) to me, the shape is not elegant enough, it hasn't the right curves:

looks like some theatre-reproduction

Am I right or not???

groeten HW
Hello HW:

I don't like it either. This spike shape has been showing up on a lot of fake helmets on eBay recently (most of them being sold in Germany, the UK, and Australia). My best guess is these are fabricated in India or Pakistan.

It looks like a load of old pants to me too. that guys Ebay handle is p-null8. Null in French means 'rubbish' so I'd be wary anyhow.Perhaps we need to start a ratings system with ebay sellers and get La Huxley to come up with some more appropriate icons - a bit like an Egon Ronay guide?

Mike. :lol:
Hey guys, we do need to be cautious about "rating" ebay sellers. This could be a can of worms, and many of the sellers of crap change thier IDs fairly often, or even run several IDs at the same time. I think it is better to try to keep people informed as to the features that are normally found on the fakes.
A recycled ustensil for sure, but I was not exactly thinking of the kitchen regarding its origin...
I'd be willing to wager the helmet is an M15 with gold painted furniture (at least the Wappen appears to have been painted). The spike looks like the case for a large animal rectal thermometer.

I hadn't thought of the medical angle. My thoughts were more along the lines of a sausage-stuffing spiggot off a meat-grinder.

Whichever, it is very creative but only for the most desperate of collectors.

