Spikeless artillery

Thank you very much Robert!

thank you for your order, at 07.08.2006 shows at follows:

Order recorded, goods not yet released:
1 x 504/627, Kraus, Feldgraue Uniformierung, 94.67 Euro.

Special orders and your internet-shop noticeboard are not considered in this mechanical produced text.

Berliner Zinnfiguren
Preussisches Bücherkabinett
Knesebeckstr. 88
10623 Berlin
Tel.: 030 - 315 700 0
Fax: 030 - 315 700 77
Internet: www.zinnfigur.com

It might be worthwhile to look at their writeup.


I am not sure that those refs will clarify any sort of policy.

I think the bigger question is did anybody follow the policy? Based on article 63 of the Constitution, there must be a Prussian source document. It would be wonderful to know what the original document said. Application of those is as you pointed out subject to many winds. Let me digest what Robert sent and maybe I'll come up with something closer. I just want the AVB!
Berliner Zinnfiguren
Preussisches Bücherkabinett
Knesebeckstr. 88
10623 Berlin

That's where I got mine. No postage, as I walked in and paid cash. Ich leibe Berlin!