Superb high-quality latex mannequin head for a young soldier

Tony without Kaiser

Staff member
I have a two superb high-quality latex mannequin head for a young soldier available.

I spent hundreds of dollars over the years on mannequin heads and they were all terrible; rock-hard fibreglass, way too large for period headgear, or fake looking.

Then I got lucky and obtained a few latex heads that had been made for Hollywood (causalities etc for movies) and they are superb. They look real as they are cast from actual people and they are latex so they hold their shape but can be squished a little. Average head size is 55 so they fit almost all my Pickelhaubes which are notoriously small. Also, the small necks fit Imperial German tunics nicely. It looks like a person standing there.

The ones I am offering are perfect for that young "conscript" Private or One-Year-Volunteer mannequin or for that late war "teenage soldier" look with a greatcoat and steel helmet etc.

I had ordered these for a friend but he has quit collecting so I offered to sell them for him. I have two available. The one shown is for my 5. Westfälisches Infanterie-Regt. Nr.53 One-Year-Volunteer Waffenrock, but the two available are identical.

They are extremely good value at $90 USD each which is $45 less tgan what he paid. Postage is actual cost of course and if you want to pay with Paypal, that's fine if you pay the fee.



Still have one available. These really do make a superb mannequin. I have 50+ Imperial German uniforms on display on torsos but have a mannequin sporting one of these realistic latex heads in each corner. It really makes a powerful display.