The Jensen collection

Welcome to the forum Dane! You already amassed a great looking collection, when I was your age, I was still chasing the girls..
I also collect postcards, I think, haven't counted them, at least 400 of them now, they are very addictive! I have several which were sent from 1 soldier, to his parents, and also the cards his parents sent him, very evocative you know.. chilling too.
It is very nice to see younger guy's getting interested in the hobby of collecting these artifacts you know.
Keep up the great work, you're going the right way friend!

Regards, Coert.
Welcome to the forum Dane! You already amassed a great looking collection, when I was your age, I was still chasing the girls..
I also collect postcards, I think, haven't counted them, at least 400 of them now, they are very addictive! I have several which were sent from 1 soldier, to his parents, and also the cards his parents sent him, very evocative you know.. chilling too.
It is very nice to see younger guy's getting interested in the hobby of collecting these artifacts you know.
Keep up the great work, you're going the right way friend!

Regards, Coert.
Thank you for the kind message and words Coert! That’s incredible! Would love to see the set from the soldier, I’m sure it’s quite the story, amazing that you posses them!

can’t wait to build more and share with all of you!
Hi Dane,
Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your collection.
I also started collecting as a teenager (some time ago :)) , but not very focused, certainly no pickelhaubes or tschakos. Your collection is a very nice mixture.
I hope you will present some of your items in detail.
Thank you kindly Lars! Really happy to share with you all, love hearing your story and I sure hope your collection has expanded since! Would love to see!

Will certainly present in detail as time goes on!
Welcome to the forum, looks like your hooked and on your way to building a wonderful collection. If I could offer some advice, please make sure to vet items before big purchases.

There are people who will try and take advantage of young collectors. I started collecting as a child when I had a paper route luckily, I got to know veterans and local honest older collectors who helped me navigate Hobby. That was long before the internet and being able to correspond with fellow collectors from around the world. You have a great advantage in today's world with places like this fine forum be sure to make good use of them. It seems you're making that happen. (y) regards John Josef
Thank you Mr. Josef, really happy to share!

I really appreciate the advice! I’ve made sure to reach out and learn from older collectors. I know one locally whom i speak to often and another down in Dallas who’s been an outstanding help and even gifted me the Bavarian NCO Pickelhaube!

I hope to find some wonderful people here to learn from to keep expanding my knowledge on items!
Welcome to the forum Dane! You already amassed a great looking collection, when I was your age, I was still chasing the girls..
I also collect postcards, I think, haven't counted them, at least 400 of them now, they are very addictive! I have several which were sent from 1 soldier, to his parents, and also the cards his parents sent him, very evocative you know.. chilling too.
It is very nice to see younger guy's getting interested in the hobby of collecting these artifacts you know.
Keep up the great work, you're going the right way friend!

Regards, Coert.
That's another story
I have boxes of them
also real photos of larger sizes ; 8 X 10 and some larger
Years ago , I bought a great set of postcards
all about 1 soldier in Prussian Grenadier Regt 7
the best one is of the Fahnentrager with the flags ; I Batl ; II Batl and Fusilier BatlG R 7  flags a.jpeg
from memory G R 7 was part of the V A K
and all flags of V A K were burned
SteveG R 7  flags.jpeg
That's another story
I have boxes of them
also real photos of larger sizes ; 8 X 10 and some larger
Years ago , I bought a great set of postcards
all about 1 soldier in Prussian Grenadier Regt 7
the best one is of the Fahnentrager with the flags ; I Batl ; II Batl and Fusilier BatlView attachment 46090
from memory G R 7 was part of the V A K
and all flags of V A K were burned
SteveView attachment 46089
these are beautiful! thank you for sharing!
Thank you for the kind welcome! Pleasure to meet another youngin like myself! Postcards are truly addictive, what kind do you collect?
I focus mainly on Canadian and German real photo postcards, but I collect other countries too.

Here's one such example, perhaps someone with better German than I can make out the writing on the back. Something about captured British troops during a patrol?

Postcards are a great way to start collecting. I would suggest looking into Mützenband collecting as well. It makes a nice piece of memorabilia to go with the ship postcards. The cost for several of these are not too expensive. Congratulations on your collection and enjoy the hobby.

Best Regards,
Postcards are a great way to start collecting. I would suggest looking into Mützenband collecting as well. It makes a nice piece of memorabilia to go with the ship postcards. The cost for several of these are not too expensive. Congratulations on your collection and enjoy the hobby.

Best Regards,
thank you, Justin! I really appreciate the kind words!

I'll certainly have to look into getting into the bands, sounds really fun!