Tschapka on eBay.de


New member
Hello everyone,

Here is a very handsome looking piece that deserves some guarded interest:


My own observations:

- The wappen is secured by hex nuts - not good.
- The rosettes look like steel, so does the visor trim versus the brass chinscale and the silver wappen eagle. Would you ever see a silver eagle matched with brass chinscales?
- There is an anomaly with the chinscales - may just be due to shortening, but don't the number of "humps" on the plates always go 2-3-2 starting from the rosette?
- The lining is too new and does not match the wear of the helmet shell.
- The plume is new.

I took one look and said to myself: "What a fine parts helmet." Am I wrong?


Thanks Robert and R1,

1) Hex Nuts - Ooooooookay. Well, at least he answered.

2) Rabatte and Kokarde - It gets worser and worser......

This helmet is a very good learning experience.

