Ulan/Aviator Grouping

dave mosher

Active member
Wie gehts:

When I bought the tunic, the boards were missing and the buttons were painted steel so the wearer could have been from either UR12 or UR16. The only thing I had to go from was the placement of the breast awards, the turkish half moon (which is a screw-back and was on the tunic) and the HHOX on the ribbon. Well, based on a leap of faith that the tunic has not been "altered" in the past 87 years (with the exception of the removal of the boards), and that there was only one HHOX awardee in either UR 12 or UR 16, here is what I have found on that awardee, Lt. Hans Heinrich Deetjen.

-Hans Deetjen is born in Allenstein (E. Prussia) on 8/19/94
-Recieved his patent as a leutnant to UR 16 on 10/29/14
-Posted to FEA 1 and 2. FFA (Boyen) late 1914 to eary 1915. These units were combined to become FFA 58 on 4/1/15.
-Qualified as an Beobachter (observer) most likely in early 1915.
-FFA 58 sent to Poland/Russia 5/15/15 as part of 8. Armee, most likely in the Baltic area.
-FFA 58 and FAA 284 are combined on 11/29/16 and was transferred from Russia to France on 12/9/16.
-FFA 58/FAA 284 posted to Armee-Abteilung B. on 12/16/17 near Colmar, France
-FFA 58/FAA 284 posted to AA B Fliegergruppe Sud on 4/1/17.
-Mentioned in the Nachrichtenblatt in 6/15/17
-Recieved the HHOX in Summer 1917 as an observer w/ FAA 284.
-Schutzstaffel (Schusta) 9 is created on 1/1/17 and I assume the Deetjen is posted to this unit.
-Schusta 9 becomes Schlactstaffel (Schlasta) 9 on 3/27/18 and Lt. Hans Deetjen is named leader of the unit
-Lt. Hans Deetjen is killed in action on 3/28/18 at Pont de la Deule, France.

Now, for the lingering questions: How would Deetjen recieve the Gallipoli star? His service appears to have been in Poland, the Baltic area of Russia, and France. Having said that, neither UR 12 or UR 16 served near Turkey. Interestly, as an aside, an Oblt. Henning v. dem Knesebeck with UR 16 was also posted to FAA 284 and served with Deetjen and was killed on 8/22/17.

Also, There are loops for a third award on the next to the EK1 and observers badge. I would suppose it could be a wound badge (the sizing of the loops fit) or possibly a turkish pilot's badge.???? The other badges and the "correct" slip-on aviator boards on the tunic were obviously added, but all fit the loops on the tunic.


A little better close-up. By the way, I bought the hat and belt separately. What is interesting is both the hat and the tunic are made of the same very dark ribbed felgrau and are an almost perfect match. The hat could only be worn by on officer of either UR12 or UR16, so who knows, I may have possibly reunited a previously separated group...

Dave, Fantastic grouping and one that hits the spot with me. You've got me searching now amongst my collection of books for your guy.

As you say, it's strange that the Gallipoli star is on the uniform, when this unit was not in that area of operations. However he may have been attached to a Turkish unit as an advisor.

Also I would find it strange that he already had a wound badge as they were not introduced until the 3rd March 1918 and your guy was killed on the 28th of March, a little quick for him to have received one, even if it was a retro award. These loops have me thinking still ??

Thanks for your comments. I'm afraid to post any more though; I wouldn't want to think that I caused your demise!!


You "nailed" my questions about the turkish Half Moon and the third set of loops. If it wasn't a wound badge, what was it? Also, any further info on this guy would be much appreciated.

dave mosher said:

Thanks for your comments. I'm afraid to post any more though; I wouldn't want to think that I caused your demise.


Don't worry Dave, I'm like a cat, I've seven lives. Keep on posting!
Brazilian cats got a bad deal, in our world cats have nine lives.

Let's see how many of Otto's lives you can take, keep posting, I need to know how big a truck I need any way.