Very fine Prussian uhlan helmet M15

Dear All

A recent acquisition in an exceptional condition. I would qualify it of mint.

Unfortunately, I have been unable to post pictures as an attachment so please find the link here:

The helmet is clearly unissued. On inspection, it would seem that it was never fitted with the state cockade either (therefore missing). All grey metal fittings are matching in colour, including the Guard star which has clearly been attached to the adler since production.

Nice neat maker inside (sorry the picture is not very clear though) “Moritz Stecher sa. Freiburg. 1916”.

Please feel free to comment as you wish and Merry Christmas to you all.


I know, it is crazy! At first, I even wondered where the catch was...

The interior is even more mouth dropping :-? See here:

BTW: my 100th post today !!! \:D/

Factory fresh right off the assembly line!! I have never seen an M15 tschapka in such mint condition and with the Garde stern. That is a superbe find!
Regarding the picture posting problem, tech support has replied and he is looking into the problem. Thanks for your patience everyone.
She is a beauty.
Let me help you out with a few pics.
It has got to be a bond helmet.
The stars is a standard Garde star.
It my not be correct but looks great on the helmet.
When these were found I do believe that there were no stars on them.
The bond drive flyers show the same helmet with holes on the front were the star should go.
I have a Garde star on mine and I am cool with that.

Dear All

Thank you for your nice comments :thumb up:

Brian - I think the picture loading issue has been going on for some times but hey, there is always a way to get round things ! Thank you to you and the rest of the team for making that great forum available to us all.

Like some of you, I initially thought that the helmet was a bond helmet but a thorough inspection of it has made me think otherwise. The helmet seems to have seem to have been kept in hay because there is some trace of it left in the interior, between the liner and the skull. Bond helmets would typically be displayed as sorts of war trophies on mantelpieces, cupboards, etc. This one was definitely not, hence the perfect condition. Just a thought....


Tech support is looking into the picture posting problem. An outstanding piece Alex!
I believe 90% or more of the M15s in existence were Bond helmets, especially those that are in excellent condition. The hay could also be excelsior, either of which could have been used in packing at some point in the helmet’s existence.

