Welcome back


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Staff member
I am posting this as the forum is down, hopeing that everyone will be able to read it soon.
You are such a pathetic looser, being tho only person able to post on a forum, I just hope you do not get into an argument with yourself!
If you two do not quit fighting, you will be banned when the moderators get back.
I can't believe that you are fighting with yourself...I hope this posts so Tony can figure out what is wrong with the forum...I hate it when you boys are crying.
It appears you are no longer alone. Wasn't that interesting.
Thanks to every one who worked on this, it has been a lonely plae here, and even thoug I could always post and log on, it sucked just as bad here as it was for those who were locked out.
Strange that some lonely farm boy in Idaho was the only person on the planet who could post on the forum while it was down. Very scarry actually...Gus posting to Gus, Gus answering Gus, Gus fighting with Gus. I guess the only way to solve this and make everything right in the Gus World was to get the forum back on line. B
Thank goodness that every thing is right in Gus world, but I was not the only one who could post, Maggie could as well,
Anyhooo, it is nice not to be the most important person on the forum again.