What is this?

I want to start out saying, that I don't know what this helmet is. But looking at it, there are a two things that make believe it may be french made. The construction is close to that of a French fire helmet and the front plate has 11 stars. The 11 stars rules out being US made, but I have seen it on French helmets made for American volunteers.
Poorly made, no vent in the dome, I'd say some band or fraternal organization... probably the former.

Reminds me of these characters from the 1970s kids show H.R. Puffnstuff !!!

It isn't Odd Fellows as they typically just used the skull and bones on their helmets. There were plenty of other American fraternal groups. The badge has a military look to it however, so perhaps it is a militia unit of some sort. Lots of cities and states had these units in the late 19th century.
The shaking hands conflict with the trophies - The shaking hands was used on peace medals, early American military symbols would have an eagle where the hands are. I truly doubt that this is US made.