While you were shoveling...


Well-known member
During the great ice storm in the Midwest, I was looking for pickelhauben.
Boy Joe,
You look more comfortable in your shorts than I am in my parka.
Cliff :D
Yes, winter is really here! I have to wear a windbreaker when I go out and I think the temperature got down close to 40 degrees Fahrenheit last night! :p
I have you all beat..... -16C here today and a 70 car pile up on our local 4 lane highway. If we had not stopped for a coffee, we would have been right in the middle of the pile up. I had 2 white knuckle drives this weekend with white outs due to heavy snow fall (20-30cm). The snow was coming down as if it was part of a frozen tropical monsoon!! I was really happy to get home safe! Brian
Hey Guys,
What Joe does not tell us, is that we can tell when he is on vacation just by watching the weather for San Antonio, when he is gone, the weather is sunny and warm, but as soon as he gets home, it starts to rain. Where we live, if we get an inch of rain, we have had a big rain storm, but in San Antonio, that is considered a heavey dew. We measure our rain in 1/100ths, they use a yard stick. Snow is a lot easier to deal with, we just wait for the wind to blow it to Wyoming.
Best wihses
Gus, perhaps we Canucks should organize an Idaho snow relief project! We would gladly truck all of this white stuff down to (at your expense of course!) you so that you have some nice melt water for the fields this spring. B
Hey Brian,
The trucks are on the way up, get your shovel ready, we could even take a load to Joe's, that should take the smile off his face ,to wake up with snow covering his house:)