Wurtenburg Tcshapka



What is the general opinion on this piece item #6257321720 .It is a tcshapka Whats wrong and what is right with it?
:? Mark
I don't like it...
the bidder: Private Feedback
This member, franz-josef-von-osterreich_019, has decided to make their feedback comments private. Feedback can still be left for this user and the ratings left are shown above in summary format. Learn more about private feedback.
I think this bidder existence is for grow up the bids, he is from january 2006

I think something is not good, the photos are poor, and the helmet inside and out side is strange...

But I'm not an expert...
zipperheads9 said:
What is the general opinion on this piece item #6257321720 .It is a tcshapka Whats wrong and what is right with it?
:? Mark

The helmet appears to be one of the replicas coming from the UK lately.
Check out the originals on kaisersbunker.com and compare them with
this item.
Good luck,
Hi Bruno,
There has always been some censoring of words on the forum, and it has been tightened up to protect Margo and Brian, we need to be selective in our critisism of helmets that are currently for sale. Let us try to keep our comments to a constructive nature as our comments carry a lot of weight. It is easy to sum up an item with one word, but that leaves little education for the readers of the comments. There has been some worry about the fakers learning form our comments, they are going to learn anyway, and it is often the case that they are selling something that is made by someone else as a reproduction for the reenacting market, so it is important to educate the buyers of the unique features of the repros, so they can not be passed off as real. Many forums do not allow comments on current auctions to avoid problems, but this is such a great learning tool that it was discussed how we could avoid losing this part of the forum with out heaping liability risk onto hosts.
Best wishes and let's have fun
Hi Gus:

Mikey discovered that both the eBay forum and Moderator Area are invisible to guests. One has to be a registered member and logged in to access what I am writing here.

I have never known Bruno to use language requiring censorship; therefore, I can't imagine what happened.

There are glitches. For example, if I type certain numbers punctuated by a colon, semi-colon, or period, I wind up with a Smilie and have to spell the number instead. I have also discovered that certain expletives are sanitized automatically. However, some important historical quotes should be able to stand. "Damn the torpedos..." for example. I can assure you I did not type "Darn." I was censored by the program.

epsomgreen said:
Hi Gus:

Mikey discovered that both the eBay forum and Moderator Area are invisible to guests. One has to be a registered member and logged in to access what I am writing here.

I have never known Bruno to use language requiring censorship; therefore, I can't imagine what happened.

There are glitches. For example, if I type certain numbers punctuated by a colon, semi-colon, or period, I wind up with a Smilie and have to spell the number instead. I have also discovered that certain expletives are sanitized automatically. However, some important historical quotes should be able to stand. "darn the torpedos..." for example. I can assure you I did not type "Darn." I was censored by the program.

It is true that one must be a member to read the posts here, but at this point there is no vetting process to determine if a new member is one of us, or one of them, and for that reason, we need to accept anything that Margo does, because she is the one that mekes this forum go, and she and Brain are the ones that are hung out to dry if someone picks a fight. There are very few cases when this will change the body of a message. Until something better is worked out, let's get behind Margo and work with her.
I find this forum very informative and enjoyable lanquage rules are not to bad ,rember there are people in society that don't like foul words,etc .I am a big offender of foul lanquage ,so I am not byassed on this .
As for people who come on the site a membership is not that bad .
Moderating is a big job I and I imagine the salary is the same as my Volunteer at the local Regimental museum 0$ . So the bugs take time to go away we have patience.
Mark . G.
P.S. I might of still bought that piece if i only got single word responce .My idea of collecting mat differ what the next guys is . :D
Thanks Gus and Mark for the support.
Chas I can certainly understand your comment and knowing about your extensive film studies background which I have benefitted from I also realize the origins of your concern.... freedom of expression. However, Margo and I could be held responsible if some Ebay seller chose to go after us for comments made about an item up for auction. I do not need to end up in court with some high priced lawyer trying to prove that a particular helmet is in deed faked or at the very least doctored. These things are easy to say here but get very serious in the legal world as you know. Consequently, you do have to be a member to access helmets on ebay and yes there is some censorship of such words as damn. Both Margo and I enjoy this forum but it is not worth risking ours and our childrens' financial furutre for. Brian
Hi Brian:

I appreciate your position completely, and I certainly applaud Margo's farsightedness in setting up a forum that can, in a worst case scenario, police itself.

Donna recently located a web site devoted to her favorite childhood book, Anna Sewell's Black Beauty. The site attempted to host a forum, but had to quit because it received all manner of unwanted and inappropriate comment. I imagine most of the malefactors were venting once they learned Black Beauty was a horse and not (insert your own joke here).

I really have no problem with the safeguards. I was just trying to explain to Bruno that even the best system has a few idiosyncrasies.

We can certainly all live by the Golden Rule and reserve some of our more provocative comments for private messages or e-mail.

I say, thanks for a great forum. Kudos to you both.

Chas. :D
I also was on another group that was a mebers only group ,it was no where as informative .and certain m,ebers would go offtopic and flame anybody that would request the topic be changed .
the site was a re-enacting site and would cover several time periods .Newer member's would discuss how to canvert or do what ever with firearms . this is dangerous even on a closed site,
It continued so the site was closed ,for good .Now Communication is scrambled and not all inclusive ) you miss members of certain groups).
I really enjoy this site ,and would haye to see anything close to it even getting rumbled .
Mark G.
I have not and would for sure never use bad, offensive words. I was just using a simple four-letter word, starting with f and ending with e, found in any dictionary, to name a copy made after an original, in response to the initial message. I understand the necessity of this filtering though. Should we now only use circumlocutions?..
...what I think about the tschapka?

Ok the nparts pirce is gone anyway. Thanks to all for the help in getting the advice needed \
Mark Giroux
Hi Mark:
I appreciate your comments re other forums. I do not go on other forums as I do not have the time. The guys at the SOS made a point of telling me to get on my own forum more often and I intend to do so. Consequently, re other forums, I have no knowledge of what goes on. However, I am a student of human nature and having taught High School for 30 years plus been a Dept Leader for the last 12 I am very familiar with different egos and personalities.
We all need this forum no matter at what level we collect, how much knowledge we have or the number of hauben sitting on the shelf. The beginner needs this for the wealth of help and information available from the more experienced guys. The long time collectors can always gain some information and more importantly feel good that they are helping the rookies. One last point in this regard is that where else but on this forum can a pickelhaube/uniform/medal/Imperial German collector get the praise and recognition from the people that share his love of these things? If you are an expert in this field where else can you demonstrate your expertise?? Does your next door neighbour appreciate your hauben? The answer is, no where else on the net.
Yes, we all have egos and yes we can say silly things that hurt others. The key is that a real mature man/person can admit that they did wrong apologize and get on with life. Some personalities can not do this. They can never admit that they goofed up and say the word "sorry". They wouldn't even be able to understand what I just wrote. They also wonder why they can't keep friends...why there are so many A-holes in the world except them?
There are no stupid questions here as far as I am concerned. I am here to learn and quite willing to put my ego on the line to ask the questions that I need answers to. As site administrator I will not put up with anyone flaming anyone here for an innocent question nor will our moderators. This forum is very fortunate in its membership. We have a great bunch of guys who help each other and that is simply why it works. Brian
Hi Brian,
You know that I have a great limitation because of my English, but up to where I could understand that that you wrote, I can only say a thing. Congratulations to you for your right comment, and thank you for you and Margo to have created such an important space for the collectors, old or new, experts or not, with great or small collections, with big egos or not, to the that can contribute with a lot and to the that can contribute with little (and among these, I include myself). Only speaking by me, can I guarantee, you make my life a little more entertaining and did make possible me, besides doing great friends, to see people of other countries with less severity (do you remember that the one what I wrote at the old forum regarding prejudice and of acquired positionings through my parents and grandparents?). Thank you Brian, thank you Margo, and thank you all that make this forum to be that that it is!
:D TT :D