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    Malancourt is a little village located near "cote 304" battlefield in the North East of France
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    8,8cm FLAK casing

    No, I don't have an explanation Here is a 3D rendering of complete rounds Left: 8,8cm Spgr. L/3,7 (FLAK) Right: 8,8 cm Spgr L/3,6 (Kz.) (Marine) Regards, Pascal
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    8,8cm FLAK casing

    If you are talking of this one, dimensions of your casing are not good [-X" onclick=";return false; The cartridge case of the 8,8 cm FLAK is only 10 mm shorter than the case of the 8,8 cm Marine, the other dimensions are the same...
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    8,8cm FLAK casing

    Hi Edwin are you sure your casing is for the 8,8 cm FLAK? The normal dimensions of this cartridge case are: height: 560mm base diameter: 113mm Regards, Pascal
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    The Big Bang Theory #4: 15cm SK L/40 Cartridge Casing

    I have modified the background of the 15 cm. Spgr. L/3,6 Pascal
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    The Big Bang Theory #4: 15cm SK L/40 Cartridge Casing

    Thank you tony Regards, Pascal
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    The Big Bang Theory #4: 15cm SK L/40 Cartridge Casing

    Here is the 15 cm. Hbgr. 16 shell for the Krupp 15 cm k16 with it's 725mm casing The shell has a false cap Pascal
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    The Big Bang Theory #4: 15cm SK L/40 Cartridge Casing

    yes Tony, this is 3D drawing Here are the 2 casings
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    The Big Bang Theory #4: 15cm SK L/40 Cartridge Casing

    Here is a 15 cm. Spgr. L/3,6 shell for the 15 cm. SK L/40 and it's cartrige casing The fuze is a Dopp. Z. S/43 Regards, Pascal
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    Wurttemberg artillery

    Thank you all :thumb up: Pascal
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    Wurttemberg artillery

    Hi everybody do you have any comments on this one Pascal
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    Hello, much too expensive for me! By the way, very nice collection JR92 :thumb up: Regards, Pascal
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    Hello everybody, what do you think of this one Regards, Pascal
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    My PB 23 Pickelhaube

    Sorry, but I really don't know what this mark can be. Pascal
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    IR 24 Monument

    This monument is located near Azannes a little village 8km from fort Douaumont. Every year a group of german people come here to restore it. More details here Pascal
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    IR 24 Monument

    Monument of german IR 24 in Herbebois near Azannes (France). This regiment took part to the capture of fort Douaumont on February 25 1916 Pascal
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    My PB 23 Pickelhaube

    Thank you all for four comments Pascal
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    My PB 23 Pickelhaube

    My last acquisition Regards, Pascal