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  1. W

    Braunschweig IR92 Offizier

    Yes, the question would keep me awake at night... :-k
  2. W

    Braunschweig IR92 Offizier

    Ok, seller says he has his doubts about the second one. I just wonder if these were worn with a "Koenig" bandeau. Might be possible... I mean, those were turbulent times... anyone knows more?
  3. W

    Braunschweig IR92 Offizier

    The seller assured me they were worn this way as well (though a "Fuerst" bandeau would be nicer...) possible of course, wouldn't you agree? seems plausible to me... :?:
  4. W

    Dutch sjako M1854 Off. Schutterij / Civiel Guard

    Hallo, Ik vind dit niet het mooiste hoofdeksel :-s , maar als je het zoekt is er toch moeilijk aan te komen in deze staat... gefeliciteerd ermee :thumbright:
  5. W

    Dutch right?

    I believe it is a helmet of this type" onclick=";return false; But there are several types... I believe they're quite rare After studying the site fot a...
  6. W


    Looks French indeed, not Dutch otherwise I would be bidding immediately... =P~
  7. W

    1860 Pattern Artillery Enlisted haube

    Very Beautiful. I sometimes wonder how many of these objects are found in USA/Canada, are there that many "war souvenirs" left? :-k btw, this CMS works perfectly.
  8. W

    Remarkable photograph

    I would say.................................................... ehm........................................ Versailles :-s
  9. W

    Beute-Mantel (is that even a word?)

    I hope so... ](*,)
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    Beute-Mantel (is that even a word?)

    "kinderstoeltjesverkopersbijeenkomsttransport" ? how would one transport a gathering? "kinderstoeltjesverkoperstransport" "kinderstoeltjesverkoperstransporteursbijeenkomstoverleg" an assembly concerning the gathering of people that are going to transport the sellers of stools for baby's...
  11. W

    Beute-Mantel (is that even a word?)

    Beutemantel is composed of "Beute" (loot, stolen goods) and "Mantel" (coat) these constructions are common in German (and Dutch) like "kinderstoeltje" (small childrens stool") or "kinderstoeltjesverkoper" (seller of ...) or "kinderstoeltjesverkopersbijeenkomst" (a gathering of sellers of...
  12. W

    Remarkable photograph

    I know, a bit off topic, but anyway... I found this picture: About 12 years ago a friend of mine and myself went to carnival dressed like this (Maastricht, Netherlands). Strolling around here and there... we got a feeling how it must have felt... Anyway, one can't get closer than that...
  13. W

    1871 84th Inf Reg Helmet Back from The Dead

    Impressive I would't have had the courage for it
  14. W

    Three new kinder finds to add to my collection

    wow, must be very rare in this quality. I only saw the uhlan on postcards untill now...
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    Aren't these used by the ''Jäger zu Pferde'' ?
  16. W


    How does this one look (put together ?) If OK this would be quite rare I believe (Lippe) The bandeau reads "Koenig'', I believe this is correct...:???:
  17. W

    M1860 haube?

    looks like a correct M1860 to me (can't see the prussian cockade though) Don't see them very often, maybe suggest 1000 Euro? (I bid on one of these and I believe it ended around 1200 Euro... though quite rare they are not that popular I believe :scratch:
  18. W

    Kurassier Metalhelme Older Model

    regarding the chinscales: read point 4 in the description of the helmet.
  19. W

    French Model 1860 Infantry Officers Shako, 33rd Regiment

    "I'll try another installment featuring the much maligned M1867 Shako" I'm interested, I hope this part of the forum will grow a bit :!: Nice pictures btw.
  20. W

    Blue cloths

    Beautiful. How old are these helmets, around 1900??? :-? Were they for daily use, or were they used for parades etc.?