Garde Artillery Haube on Ebay

Too bad there are no extra holes, I was once told that they make the helmet more valueble, as they are bullet holes:) It looks better in your photos. The condition of the liner leads me to believe that this helmet sat ona foam head for a few years.
Very nice - glad it worked out well. Can you discern any other marls apart from 'KBAG'?

Why the foam-head theory, Gus? I never put mine on them or wood forms for that matter but I never knew foam was that detrimental to the leather?

It's not just heavy service wear then?
That's a nice helmet.
An indicator of an Artillery helmet is the shape of the top of the pedistal for ball base. Non Artillery helmets that took a parade bush always had a domed top for the top of the pedistal of the spike base while Artillery helmets sometimes took a flat top for the pedistal for the base for the ball top. If you find a helmet with a flat topped pedistal for the base, it was an Artillery helmet. If you find a helmet with a more domed top base, it could be an Artillery helmet or a non-artillery helmet.
Artillery Helmets with flat tops on the ball pedistal:

Infantry helmets with the more domed top for the spike pedistal:

I don't have many enlisted helmets so I can't provide the photos, but perhaps some of the Forum members could comment and provide photos.
Thanks again for sharing the photos of your latest find.

Jim Turinetti
The shape of the base pedistal can be a guideline in determining if a helmet may have been artillery, however the flat base equals artillery and the domed base equals helmets other than artillery rule is not always true as illustrated by this issue helmet maked to Grenadier Regiment 119.


spikeymikey said:
Why the foam-head theory, Gus? I never put mine on them or wood forms for that matter but I never knew foam was that detrimental to the leather?

It's not just heavy service wear then?

Hey Mike, It could be service wear, but I had a helmet that had a liner in great condition, and had it on a foam hear for about a year, the result was a very dry and brittle liner, much like this, I do not think many people let leather come in contact with the foam heads anymore, but I thnk it is a good think to remind every one, and let the newbys know of the danger.
reservist1 said:
The shape of the base pedistal can be a guideline in determining if a helmet may have been artillery, however the flat base equals artillery and the domed base equals helmets other than artillery rule is not always true as illustrated by this issue helmet maked to Grenadier Regiment 119.

I have about 15 Infanterie/Dragoner helmets with flat spike base tops. Mike, I would say the damage to your helmet liner is dry-rot. probably from the helmet being in an attic and being backed every year for 90 years or so. No way to reverse it.