GdC Restoration Project

joerookery said:
What kid wouldn't like dad's cool military stuff?

My three don't want it. I guess my son-in-law would like to have the money from selling them – daughter-in-law number two would probably just think it's got no place in her house. Daughter-in-law number one certainly doesn't have space in her house. The disposal of the stuff has actually made the will. But the kids… Not really an outlet.

About 10 years ago my daughter in L.A. asked if she could have "one of your old spike helmets" to wear while riding her Harley. After stifling a gasp I informed her the only one which she could get on her beautiful blond head was a J.z P. worth about 2K, making it a somewhat expensive bike accessory. I no longer worry about that now as she sold her four different colored Harleys and has bought a 30 year old Rolls that was first owned by Victoria Principal. My other two kids could care less so I'm taking it all with me.

Bob Evans
Well Bob, instead of taking them with you, I think it would be more realistic to simply include me in your will so that I can come to MN and pick them up. It would be a bit of a drive but I will make the sacrifice. I would also have to visit James so I can fire his MG.
b.loree said:
Well Bob, instead of taking them with you, I think it would be more realistic to simply include me in your will so that I can come to MN and pick them up. It would be a bit of a drive but I will make the sacrifice. I would also have to visit James so I can fire his MG.


Works for me, as long as Joe's come to Colorado

Keith :D
I would be glad to do that except for the weather you guys have. I hope you have been safe from the recent unpleasantness – my sister lives there and she had a river and outside of her front door.
Yeah between the fires in the past two years ( made it through both alright) and the flooding (we're high enough that we didn't have a problem), all we need is locusts and plagues.
usa1918 said:
Yeah between the fires in the past two years ( made it through both alright) and the flooding (we're high enough that we didn't have a problem), all we need is locusts and plagues.

Are you referring to biblical times? :D
What a twist this thread has taken LOL! Well, I don't want to be in anybody's will, but I do know which helmets my kids will get and which my wife can auctioned off, but I don't know yet when the auction will be. So stay tuned! :wink:

:D Ron
Hi guys,

I thought that I would add an update to my next project - the restoration of the 1st Empire Cuirassier helmet. I achieved a major milestone today, well at least in my eyes. Today I received a French child's / theatre helmet which utilised the original ailerons for an officers cuirassier helmet. The ailerons have been cut down but can be fixed by fixing them to a backing plate to add the top ridge that has been cut away. The key thing is that the key diagnostic parts / features are present.

To say that I am chuffed is an understatement. I had originally seen this helmet on a French site in early August. I arranged to purchase the item and to ensure a quick payment used western Union - the seller refused PayPal after the deal was agreed and direct deposit can take over a week from Australia. After the payment was made the seller accused me of fraud, refused to sell to someone outside of France and cancelled the deal. I lost the transfer fess and was more than a little miffed. He was also more than a little abusive during the process.

I tried again a couple of days later through a seller I know from another site and who has always been friendly and reliable. He also received the same level of abuse and the original seller refused to deal with him - he had worked out that we were linked. I made a third attempt through another seller I know about a month later - in that time the original seller had halved the price as he had received no other interest. This time it went according to plan, although the original seller remained rude and less than responsive. As a bit of a gee up I contacted the seller and offered him the original price. He again refused and replied with the same level of abuse. I responded by telling him he would not get a better deal and that he would be lucky to sell the item. Well he obviously sold it and I ended up paying less than half the original price, including postage firstly within France and then to Australia.

Moral of the story. Adapt and overcome! Oh and don't F### with an Aussie!

By the way the helmet also had a set of restoration / second empire shako jugulaires and a first empire rosette / bosettes. So the sale of these items will cover all of my expenses and maybe leave me a little extra for a bourbon or two - no doubt I will be toasting the seller as I drink it.

As for the rest of the helmet restoration, I am in the process of purchasing a plaque du cimier and a marmouset from the Gaignon dealer in France. They make restoration pieces for a number of museums in France and are the best option to complete the helmet while I search for original parts - which may be a much longer process than my GdC.


Steve :guns:
Hi Steve,

Well done! That would be ultra satisfying to get the item much cheaper than you originally expected.

Any problems with Aussie customs getting the helmet in?

Cheers, Bungo

No I have only ever had problems when the declared value was over $1000. In this case the declared value was under $200 so it wasn't even delayed in processing.
