Hannoverian tales.

List of the Hannoverian military regiment inside the prussian army:
F.R.73 Hannoversches fusilier regiment
J.R.74 1th hannoversches infanterie rgt.
J.R.77 2th hannoversches infanterie rgt.
J.R.164 4th hannoversches infanterie rgt.
J.R.165 5th hannoversches infanterie rgt
J.B.10 Hannoversches jager battaillon
D.R.9 1th Hannoversches Dragoner rgt
D.R.16 2th Hannoversches Dragoner rgt
U.R.13 1th Hannoversches Ulanen rgt
UR.14 2th Hannoversches Ulanen rgt
F.A.R.10 1th Hannoversches feld artillerie rgt.
F.A.R.26 2th Hannoversches feld artillerie rgt.
P.B.10 Hannoverscches pioneer battaillon.
What about HR 15?

Best wishes

List of the Hannoverian military regiment inside the prussian army:
F.R.73 Hannoversches fusilier regiment
J.R.74 1th hannoversches infanterie rgt.
J.R.77 2th hannoversches infanterie rgt.
J.R.164 4th hannoversches infanterie rgt.
J.R.165 5th hannoversches infanterie rgt
J.B.10 Hannoversches jager battaillon
D.R.9 1th Hannoversches Dragoner rgt
D.R.16 2th Hannoversches Dragoner rgt
U.R.13 1th Hannoversches Ulanen rgt
UR.14 2th Hannoversches Ulanen rgt
H.R.15 Hannoversches Husaren rgt.
F.A.R.10 1th Hannoversches feld artillerie rgt.
F.A.R.26 2th Hannoversches feld artillerie rgt.
P.B.10 Hannoverscches pioneer battaillon.
Can we try to show at least one exemple of each of these titled regiments? I need the help of all you.