Pea sausage


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"One of the Kaiser army's contributions to the development of logistics, little appreciated by posterity, was the introduction of pea sausage. It was the first form of fixed food issued to soldiers. It represented a revolution in nutrition in war. This sausage was a sausage in name only, for it was made of pea flour, onion fat and spices pressed into a sausage-like, hard roll of parchment paper. This world's first "instant" for the army was invented by Berlin chef and food manufacturer Johann Heinrich Grüneberg in 1867 and sold to the Prussian state for (reportedly) 35,000 thalers. During the war of 1870, up to 65 tons a day of this specialty were produced. The suitability of pea sausage was reportedly tested on soldiers of selected subdivisions, feeding them with it and bread for six weeks. In the late 19th century, the rights to produce pea sausage were bought back by the Knorr brothers. In a slightly modified version, it is still produced today...."


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