SOS 2012

The normal group that has been running dinners and parties for years is changing up this year.

We are staying at a new hotel. We are now staying at the Hilton Garden." onclick=";return false;

We are not planning any dinners or parties and plan on hanging out at the bar most nights.
We will still be making sandwiches for lunches. We will still be holding the fort if you need to store some stuff or your coat. Hopefully, we will finally have some good weather. We will have several different types of luncheon meat, cheese, bread and bottles of water. At least this is the plan currently.

People that we think are coming. -- The initial list please let the group know if you are coming.

Joe Robinson
Janet Robinson
James Leb.
Lori Leb.
Gus Bry.
Maggie Bry.
Peter Suciu
Jerry Rehr
Randy Trawnik
Tony Cowan
Remy Schaal
Mark Dillenbeck
Rich Ames
Mike Kelso
Jim Turinetti
Matt Rebholz
Alan Schaefer
Flick Gerald
George Anderson
dick roback
Clay Chambers
Larry Stewart
Terri Stewart
Jim Dunham,
Klaus-Peter Emig,
Dave Moser
hefger said:
I will be their!

Easy to find me at the shows: find the steins.......

What is your table number? Ours is P 14-16 (actually, we only have two tables, as we fold the end cap up so we have room for Joe's dog, she is such a chick magnet)
I can't make it. It's really difficult to make the show because of 1) the school year and 2) having an extreme dislike for driving from WI to KY in potentially bad weather... probably because of all of the miles I put on with the Guard in ice and snow. (I know... pansy :p ). I'd sure like to come down though! I'm back to looking for a later model 6th Kurassier OR helmet and I guess that would be the best place to look!

Oh well.

:D Ron
Hey Ron

What about flying down? We will have plenty of room in our van rental for transport from hotel (hilton garden) to the show and problem.

I understand about the winter driving, 1700 miles one way from AZ to KY, we've had our share of adventures over the years. We fly now and ship our junque.

Flying to Louisville from Madison or Milwaukee is quite expensive. I can fly to Paris or London for less. Odd, but true.

:D Ron.
Larmo said:
Hey Ron

What about flying down? We will have plenty of room in our van rental for transport from hotel (hilton garden) to the show and problem.

I understand about the winter driving, 1700 miles one way from AZ to KY, we've had our share of adventures over the years. We fly now and ship our junque.

Hey Larry,
We have been known to drive through your country to get around bad weather, a couple of years ago, we ended up in a tornado and a blizzard on the way home, but I can not fly from here, as I would have to lay over in Minnesota, and I tap my toes when I am in the can, I do not think I can hold it long enough.

Ron, why don't you book a flight to Paris with a lay over in Kentucky?
LOL, yes, that's an idea! The school year still gets in the way. I took a look and we have a student show that weekend. Oh well, some day I might make it! Sounds like a great show and a lot of fun.

:D Ron
Hey Ron, the offer is open if you change your mind...

Hey Gus

I remember that storm, we thought it best to swing way south and try and avoid it that way. Went through Baton Rouge and over through Houston, the ice hit about 40 miles east of San Antone, spent two days there because they closed I-10. On the brighter side we were able to find out all about boiled peanuts in a can when we drove through Mississippi. Driving does have its advantages :p

Hey Larry,
I enjoy the drive, it give a person the chance to see the country. We did take the southern route once and ended up in Yuma before we got home. The blizzard was in Wyoming, we normally hit a blizzard there, but this one was bad enough that they closed the freeway, but luckily it was one mile before we wanted to get off. Travel was pretty good as traffic was only 4 cars in about 150 miles, but the last 10 miles took us about 2 hours due to poor visibility, we could not even see where there was a wide spot in the road to pull off (there are only a few on that stretch of road, and every where else it is a bit of a drop or a bit of a climb). and one had to guess where the road was for about 100 feet until the next snow marker came in to view. When you fly, you miss things like the biggest ball of twine, the center of the US, and car henge.
Larmo said:
Hey Ron, the offer is open if you change your mind...

Thanks Much! I love shows like this, but when they're during the work months, it's almost impossible to get off to go. Maybe if anybody sees a good 6th Kurassier (Tombak type silver trim, etc), they could give the dealer my number (or me his) and we can negotiate. Well, it sounded good when I typed it, but probably not something a dealer would want to do during a show. :???: I'm sure somewhere, someplace, there's a good 6th Kurassier waiting for me. Too bad I couldn't buy the one I saw in 3rd grade for $50, but that was almost three times my bank account then!
At any rate guys, enjoy the show!! I know you will.

:D Ron
Hey Gus

That sounds like quite a storm, us desert rats don't handle things like that too well, give me 122 degrees in July anytime..

I enjoy the drive, it give a person the chance to see the country.

I agree, we made many trips over the years driving to Louisville and all of the MAX shows, used to try and stay off the freeways as much as possible, too darn boring for sure. Lot's of neat little places to see along the way.

Probably one of the other reasons for not driving anymore (besides the three days in each direction) is DWA, driving while Arizonan. In the past few years we would get pulled over by Officer Friendly for a once-over. We could count on it at least once in each direction. We never got a ticket, just questioned, couldn't figure out why. Then one year on the way home we were stopped by Missouri HP outside of Rolla. Narcotics SUV complete with a K-9 friend. After he figured we were OK, he was willing to talk to us, kind of amusing really. He said well, you're driving a Van, you have Arizona plates and...(insert drumroll here) you fit the profile!!! What! what profile? His response was classic.."you're an old white guy"! Seems those are the ones driving the vans full of narcotics from the border to points North. So now we fly...

See you in Louisville :D

I used to drive tanks for the Patton Museum, so we'd drive at least three times each year to Knox, just south of Louisville, but that was in the summer. Winter driving in the Midwestern US is a hit and miss thing... I guess it's that way most places! I hope y'all have GREAT weather this year. Of course, we're not getting any winter now, it'll probably come next month. :twisted:

:D Ron