Understanding the E or Eigentum stamps

This thread has completely drifted from unit purchased caps for issue to NCOs, to rationalization for altered issue tunics and helmets.

How about getting the "Moderator" to move all postings after posting number 10 to a new thread?
Hi Joe.

Thanks, I have to admit, my point number 4. is mighty unsavory but, idealism aside, we are looking at this 90 years later under very different circumstances in terms of communication and logistics.

To hop on the soapbox for a moment, WW1 armies were still back in the buggy whip era and Lord knows all of the armies involved were really strugglng to understand the exigencies of the new style of warfare.

Honour and idealism aside, some of the German contingents didn't have too many choices late in the War.

It's not nice to think about but, as you know, Men do strange things given the pressures of the moment.

