Pickelhauben Regimental Markings


Staff member
Joe and I talked about establishing a new thread on regimental markings at the SOS. We have an on going list of manufacturers which is a unique resource. I think that a thread containing actual pictures of Regimental markings on helmets would also be of great use so here goes:

The template for the rest of the marks is now online. One URL for infantry and one URL for everything else including Jaeger.


Great idea for a thread! Here's one from the Kaiser Alexander Regiment.


Kaiser Alexander Regiment, 2nd Battalion, 7th Company, dated 98. Anyone have any idea what the ...mg in the box means?
Thanks to Bruno there have been a number of wonderful additions. Here is one from Bruno's collection that poses a question -- what does it say?

joerookery said:
//what does it say?

Kraftfahr-Bataillon (Berlin) Garde-Korps. Dunkelblau (dark blue) Waffenrock with black collar, black Swedish cuffs, and silver buttons. White Litzen on collar and cuffs. The collar, cuffs, and piping on the front opening and rear skirt was red. Light Grey w/ Red K straps. 1st Komp wore a silver Garde eagle on a Pickelhaube.
Thank you Tony. I thought about it but what does BA stand for?
By the way, the spike does NOT unscrew...
Hi Bruno, That really is a killer example. Lainé D. (1984) L'armee allemande en 1914. Chromos Service, Paris does not show a parade bush being worn by the Kraftfahr-Btln, so that would be the correct spike according to that ref.

Reiner, H. (2000) Militaerische kopfbedeckungen der kaiserzeit Motorbuch Verlag, Stuttgart missed the Kraftfahr-Btln somehow. Big oversight!

Not sure what the BA could stand for other than a sub-BA of the BAG? I have a Garde Grenadier helmet marked BD III 1915 in a box. I have no idea what the 78 stands for, but I assume the BD is most likely Bekleidungsamt Depot Nr. III of the Garde BA in Berlin? This seems a reasonable assumption, as the Garde was a HUGE Armee-Korps, and they could not have had just one big honkin BA, I really think there had to be several sub-BA. And all I need is 15 minutes in any one of them with a shopping cart. :confused4:
In fact the saxon marking is on a reservist helmet, with the R in italic character for "reserve". As of the other one shown by Joe, I know of course very well what it is, and I will send pictures. In the mean time we'll see who can guess...
According to Jeff Noll's book, R. R. was the Post 1900 method for Rekrutendepot des Reserve Infantrie Regiments ( Recruit Depot of a Reserve Infantry Regiment).
Here are pictures of Bruno's guard train helmet. What should get Joel's heart beating faster is that it is a clearly marked issue helmet with a tag or a one-year volunteer. I'm working on redoing the article over the next week.- it really really need it!

Scroll down to PB19 and look at where they are from.


LOVE your Garde Train lid Bruno.

Joe, I also have several items that were issued but have EJF name tags in them. It seems the "no issued kit for EJF" rule was not etched in stone. I wonder though if they were purchased by the EJF or issued?
Tony wrote this in an earlier posting on this thread.

I have a Garde Grenadier helmet marked BD III 1915 in a box. I have no idea what the 78 stands for, but I assume the BD is most likely Bekleidungsamt Depot Nr. III of the Garde BA in Berlin? This seems a reasonable assumption, as the Garde was a HUGE Armee-Korps, and they could not have had just one big honkin BA, I really think there had to be several sub-BA.

This mark (2 views of same) was found on an M15 Bavarian from infantry Regiment 21.


This is amazingly similar to Tony's. Bavarian III Corps did not have a Bekleidungsamt in peacetime. Perhaps this is their signal? But then why would it be on a Garde helmet? Perhaps it's another organization altogether?
911car said:
As far as I know this characteristic mark stands for Bavarian Division.

The helmet I have with this marking is Garde. it has the holes far apart to accommodate only a Garde eagle Wappen, which of course, is there. From what I understand, the Bekleidungsamt were divided into district Depots. Fortunately in German, it is the same word. Granted, "Bekleidungsamt Depot" is just a guess on my part (like everything else in this hobby it seems sometimes), as I could not fathom what else it could be? However, it is a repaired and reissued helmet, there are other holes which appear to have been repair depot plugged. But these are also too far apart to be Bayern.
If wanted I can get a 1GDzuFUZ , and another FAR59 markins also Cliff n has an M15 mark to a PR not a PB . I think it was 34 or 35 . I will check.
If these are needed .

Apologies for the previous dodgy photo. I would like to take photos in diffused natural light but it is usually dark by the time I get home.

Here are some better shots. The helmet is a Prussian M15 in very tight original condition and with an outstanding liner.


B.A.8 Tr.A.8 1915





and the liner

Jerry asked me to post this for him, very interesting unit marking on a Prussian Train helmet, I got to see it, it is a very nice helmet! Jerry says he does not really care for it, so I get it when he is done :) Will go well with my two other 8th train battalion ahubes I have.....

Great information on this Forum! I just came across a regimental mark I have not seen before. On an M-91 kugelhelm. The full stamping is: F.A.23 IIA 1897 6B 1912 I. (1897 impressed, the rest ink-stamped)

I assume it was re-issued 1897 & 1912 with a I Garniture and used by the 6. Batterie II Abteilung, but the regimental stamp is a new one on me. I've seen F.A.R., F.d.A.R. and once an A.R., but I've not encountered the F.A. form. Since the FsAR only went up to 21, it must come from the 2. Rheinisches Feldartillerie Nr. 23, and I was wondering if anyone else has come across this version of the artillerie stamp, from that regiment or any other.