SOS 2019

It was great to see everyone at the show again!!! :D

And it was great to finally meet Amy & Rod Bellars. :D I had sold Any a couple of helmet via eBay through the mail back in 2008/2009.

And it was sooooo very good to see Joe's cheerful, friendly face and good sense of humor again at the show again! :D

I'm going to have to cut out early on Friday before noon to drive home because my wife & I don't want to get stuck on Saturday with 40-60 mile per hour winds, freezing rain, and blowing snow on the 10 hour drive home across Illinois and half-way across Iowa.

Best Regards,

member joerookery:
I heard you were holding out on a marking of DR 18. You dirty Xx#%$.

Sorry Joe! I actually posted the helmet back in 2015. I think Brian forgot about the previous posting also. Bruno remembered seeing it back then, and enjoyed seeing it in person today. It was great to see him again! :D I had not seen him since 2008 when I met him at the Old MAX Show in Pittsburgh.

Here's the link to the original posting and markings of my DR 18 enlisted helmet from 1894:

Best Regards,


P.S. James just about gave himself a heart attach today early in the morning at the show when he had the misfortune of having his sword sales table collapse and spill all his swords onto the floor. It make a loud "Boom" noise when the table collapsed. Fortunately nothing was damaged he said. The show workers set up a damaged table with a broken leg that had been duck taped to hold it together. ](*,) That was very unfortunate of them to do that. Glad to hear that nothing was damaged and no one was hurt!

Best Regards,

I was there when the table collapsed. I was not right in front of it so not me 🤣. Lucky the swords were all still intact, never mind abt the foot of this looking at it. We collectors love our collection more than other people feet 👍
I finally met Bruno and chip minx and so many others. I did not see all of Amy’s treasures as she was shopping like crazy! She smiles a lot! She should also get a bulk discount from Tony Cowan. I don’t know what the best helmet I saw was James got a nice one but I am kind of partial to the one Matt bought. Real quality.

A special thanks to Peter and Enid for setting up the dinner last night. Really went well and Gus and Maggie bought our dinners! I got a chance to sit with peters dad. He is a great guy and I have to say he is a friend of mine. Old friends.

Alan, thanks for the compliment and the link. Good luck on your drive home. I will try to stop bad mouthing you about your helmet.
Amy sure bought a nice haul!
Again I missed out on this nice show, just like last year...
Would have been nice to see the faces behind the posts, as all of you are very nice people on this forum.
As Joe stated before, there are no strange people here so got it right overhere.
Have a safe trip home guy's and girls, hope you all got nice buy's and lots of fun meeting!
I got a hart attaque when i was looking to the last picture
That are a lot helmets at one table
I love them all!!!!!
Oh how i would love the see batallion tschako in my collection

I am sorry but you need to name the fine fellows in this pic

Seated is Colonel Joe, then clockwise we have Paul LeBrasseur, James LeBrasseur, James' son, Eric LeBrasseur, Brian Loree and Joe's dog. On the second picture Gus is on the right, wearing the hat.
It was fantastic to meet everybody there.
I certainly hope that everyone has a wonderful time at SOS.
Maybe someday I'll be able to make it there.

Just out of curiosity --- how much is the Model 1843/53/62 Kurassier shown above?
It's hard to tell the year. The screw posts are 43.
The Chinscales are 53.
The Wappen is 67/71,
and the Kokarde appears thick. like leather or felt.

John :?
911car said:

Looks like the so called Dutch helmet we discussed...
As Janet and I are slow to leave this morning, we saw the news and I thought I would tell you that there was a shooting inside the Olive Garden last night. No wonder Peter and Enid Were able to get reservations. It’s worse than south Chicago in there!