Louisville SOS

The party gets bigger and better, maybe we should call ahead and reserve a cell at the police station, Hay James, can you get your parole officer to make the arrangements?
Gus- I am in Florida workiong a chain gang right now, I will see what I can get us in Louisville for housing in the local Jail when I get back!

James ( they call me slim down here!)
Gus- I would love a banner or somthing for our table as well! Never doen this before, so I hope our tables are close together!

We have a few things we might bring to sell, but not real excited about leavcing stuff laying around while we walk around?

Will figure it out as we go

Hey Slim, get ahold of the King, maybe he could get one made for you in the same manner, I can bring another set of uprights to attach it to your table. It is possible that if some of us get there in time to help set up tables, we might be able to do a bit of jockying (although the programs will have been printed so I guess that is really out of the question).
Best wishes
Gus paid for the table, Al is buying the banner, and Slim is going to run an open bar tab. Janet and I were thinking about buying baseball jerseys. I would buy 15 of them and give them to the people that I know are going. Café press will not let me print the stinking jersey pictures, but it is a white jersey with red sleeves. These are the logos I thought I would use. I stole one of Mr. X's helmet pictures and posterized it. I cannot find a font that works like Brian's. Please take a look at the attendees as I have a couple of open slots. Are all of you attending? Is there anyone I forgot? Okay start shooting at the logos.... I figure I will get the shirts all XL. That will be a little big for Gus and I and probably a little small for the sumo wrestlers.



Chas can I ship them to your house? I just need an address to ship them to. I do not want to schlep them on the plane.
Kaiser Bill
Paul Lebrasseur
King Weasel
Colonel Ron
Peter Suciu (sic)
Muth 25
Dave Mosher


We could set a time probably on Friday, wear the baseball jerseys and have a picture taken of the group at the table. Thoughts?
Great Shirt!!! Ive got class and practice on Friday, So I probally wont make the picture, I plan on being there on saturday around 12-1230. Can't wait though, its almost as good as Christmas
Hey Joe,
Fabulous looking shirts-I,ve always personally cared for the Col.J's Logo so stop knocking it !!!!!!!!!!-King Sumo(far from it)Weasel :p
I am just so bloody envious { 'cause I'm stuck here in France and not going} and now you lay these shirts on me! Sadistic swine! :cry:
Hi Joe:

LLC, eh? Licensed Longaberger Collector.

What an absolutely splendid gesture and contribution. The shirt looks great. Check your PM for my training camp address.

Chas. :boxing:
Chas can I ship them to your house? I just need an address to ship them to. I do not want to schlep them on the plane.
Kaiser Bill
Paul Lebrasseur
King Weasel
Colonel Ron
Peter Suciu (sic)
Muth 25
Dave Mosher

Sic? I'm neither ill nor spelling my name wrong. (Sic) would imply a misspelling. At least I don't think I misspelled my name! :twisted:
No worries...but what you meant was Peter Suciu <sp>, that indicates that you may have misspelled the word. (I never stop being a journalist).

OK, the name is pronounced Sue-Chew. It is in fact Romanian, but I typically tell people that it is Italian (and that the family came from Italy and just spent 1800 years or so in Romania before heading to America).

I joked with one of the doormen in my building when I moved in seven years that it was Sicilian...and he never stops showing me respect!
Great banner!
I think with all those things as shirts, banners, tables, etc, the number of members of the site will grow a lot!

I almost pee'd my pants when I saw that banner I was laughing so hard. Looks great. The only problem is, people will think that we are experts and will start asking questions. We are both idiots.

We are both idiots.
That is OK Paul, the most important characteristic of an expert is to know their limitations, and you fit that criteria.
Best wishes
ps If you nearly wet your self seeing the banner, you'd better get some depends to wear to the show. I pert near pee'd my pants there when I saw all the cool stuff that people were willing to part with.