Open season on identification


only active Leutnant Elbrechter was in Infanterie-Regiment Vogel von Falckenstein (7.Westfälisches) Nr. 56.

Thank you Glenn! And just to show that no good deed can go unpunished… Where exactly did you look that up? Thank you in advance. I know I'm missing something basic. =;

he was commissioned after the publication of the last peacetime Prussian Army List in May 1914. However, as a regular he appears in the Ehren-Rangliste des ehemaligen Deutschen Heeres published in 1926 which was based on the May 1914 edition with subsequent mid 1914 and then wartime regular commissions added.


Heinrich Elbrechter had entered Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 56 as a Fahnenjunker and was promoted to the rank of Fähnrich from that of Unteroffizier on 18 October 1913. He was commissioned on 19 June 1914 and as an abiturient was awarded a retroactive Patent on 19.6.12. I am assuming he was seriously wounded as he was retired on 27 September 1916 with permission to wear his regiment's uniform. He received a postwar promotion to Oberleutnant.

Hi Chris,
Is Joe's guy a Turkish Ottoman officer or some sort of Ottoman Beamte/Official?
What era is this?
Thats the best I can come up with!
Is that all? Chris you are a wealth of knowledge and a real credit for sharing this information. Thank you.

Okay–so trying to put it into Americans verbiage this guy is an aide. This is an honorific title as opposed to a functional one. We cannot really determine his rank because we cannot see the rest of the sleeve. You have identified the specific Regiment. You have identified the medal. Now show me where I have messed up.

Interestingly this is a very large cabinet card. It has however been cut. that is not cropping but rather someone took a pair of scissors and cut it probably to fit in a specific frame.
Now wait a minute–he is a captain. Right? I just looked closer at your diagram. But this is fantastic I would never have known never.