It’s probably because that only a part of the captured flags was selected for the parade.Alexander
Thank you for this
I had not seen this list before
I am 100 % sure about the 2 L H R 2 swallowtail as I owned it at onetime .
For example, the list only includes 16 old cavalry standards, not all 32. What cavalry standards were also captured by the Russians, according to Your sources?
By the way, the another list of flags digitized. Flags captured by the Americans in 1945. Fact is that American list of flags-1945 included some things that Russian list of flags-1945: standards of JägRzPf 9 and JägRzPf 10, KR 5, DR 10 and UR8.
It is impossible to understand which of these flags were captured by the Americans and which were captured by the Russians.
Regards, Alexander.